The Pathways Dies Irae Mega Bundle includes the "Pulse/Feather" shirt, the "Diamond" shirt, and the Dies Irae album on CD
Artist: Pathways
Title: Dies Irae
Genre: Rock
Parental Advisory: No
Track Listing
1. Days of Wrath
2. Miserae
3. Thirst For War
4. Famine
5. Extinguish the Stars
6. Days of Wrath (instrumental)
7. Miserae (instrumental)
8. Thirst For War (instrumental)
9. Famine (instrumental)
10.Extinguish the Stars (instrumental)
Includes The Following:
- One (1) "Feather/Pulse" Shirt (Black).
- One (1) "Diamond" Shirt (Black)
- One (1) Dies Irae CD (Retail Album)